Questions & Answers
Orders Information
Delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?
The delivery service fee ranges from 0.550 fils to 2.200 dinars. For more information, please visit the shipping information page.
How long will delivery take?
Typically, the order is prepared after the completion of the purchase process and delivered to the delivery company the next day, and the order is delivered directly after it is received by the delivery staff. It should be noted that in some cases and for reasons beyond our control, some orders may be delayed.
Delivery Delays
What if the order is delayed?
If the order is not received within two days, please contact us via WhatsApp at the following number:
(+973) 35116618
What exactly happens after ordering?
We will send you an email and you will receive another email after your order is prepared.
We will contact you by phone or WhatsApp if any item is out of stock or if there are any changes to your order.
Where can I view my sales receipt?
You can view all your orders and their details on the profile page of your account.
How do I add a gift receipt to an order?
You can simply write "Waived" in the Additional Information box during the checkout process if you do not need the receipt to be included with the order.
How long do I have to return an order?